July 12th, 2024.
A new paper of the lab, titled "Virtual tissue microstructure reconstruction across species using generative deep learning" has been published, find it in our publitactions tab, or click in the image to read it.
February 3rd, 2024.
The first paper of the lab, entitled "Phenotypic characterization of liver tissue heterogeneity through a next-genetarion 3D single-cell atlas" has been published, find it in our publications tab, or click in the image to read it.
June, 2023.
Our work entitled " Three-dimentional single-cell digital atlas of liver tissue architecture" was presented at the "EASL" congress in Vienna, Austria.
November 17th, 2022.
We visited to Noelia Escobedo and Andrés Herrada from the immunolyph lab at the Universidad Autónoma in Talca. We discussed and shared results about our research lines and explored possible future collaborations.
October 5th, 2022.
The student and member of the laboratory Dilan Martinez graduated after his thesis defense, obtaining the title of Bio-ingeniero. Being the first step in a bright future.
September 6-9 th , 2022.
Our work entitled “Three-dimensional single-cell atlas of liver tissue architecture” was presented at the “XXVII Congreso ALEH” in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
GDeP meetings
Our Lab is part of the GDeP group, were different laboratories assist to talks about their different research lines, discussing and creating a constant feedback.